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Counseling Resources

Anti-Violence Initiatives, or AVI, is an on-campus, confidential resource that is available to you at any point in your healing process. AVI is staffed by two licenced clinicians and trained advocates who can assist you in identifying your needs, help you understand the options available, and help you access any resources on- or off- campus.  AVI can also work with you to ensure your physical and emotional safety.  Should clients choose to engage in counseling, both clinicians can provide short term counseling services and referrals for long term care. AVI strives to differentiate our services based on individual needs and remain responsive to each client’s individual identity.

Schedule an appointment with an AVI clinician.

Counseling & Prevention Services, or CAPS, is another on-campus, confidential counseling resource that is available to all registered TCNJ students. CAPS offers brief individual counseling and a variety of groups to help you heal and feel supported.

One group that may be helpful for those impacted by domestic violence is called “Not the Perfect Family.”  Facilitated by Jon Murakami, PsyD, the group offers an opportunity to share with and get the support of others who have been raised in families with circumstances that prevented healthy family functioning (i.e. addiction, divorce, physical and/or mental illness, controlling behavior, abuse, etc.). Self-esteem, current relationships, self-confidence, and comfort in social settings can be negatively affected; the group offers a chance to choose a more positive approach, to others and to yourself.

Another helpful group, specifically for survivors of sexual assault, is called SAFE (Survivors of Sexual Assault Feeling Empowered). This confidential group, facilitated by licensed therapist Robbin Loonan, will provide a safe place to help survivors to cope with difficult feelings, give clients the chance to feel supported, and help group members connect with others who also feel alone.  Trust, safety, relationships, and balancing these issues with other facets of life will be covered.

For those interested in joining a group with CAPS, please see the CAPS website for more information.

AmIOK, another counseling and emergency consultation resource, is a collaboration between the School of Nursing and Health Sciences and the Center for Integrative Wellness (CIW).  Servicing the greater Mercer County area The AmIOk program provides timely support to enrolled college students who have experienced a crime or traumatic event through the use of a 24-hour confidential hotline (609-270-4524). Program services include a comprehensive approach to whole person healing including medical, counseling, and other individualized services that are available to students and their loved ones. 

AmIOK can be reached via email at or by phone at 609-771-2164. For urgent matters you may call the hotline to speak to someone right away at 609-270-4524. AmIOK offers remote and in person services.  Please see the AmIOk website for more information.

If you feel more comfortable discussing your experiences and options with someone unrelated to TCNJ, a trusted organization exists very close to our community: Younity (formerly known as Womanspace). They provide a 24 hour, confidential hotline, advocates and professionals to facilitate SART activation, access to legal resources, and individual and group counseling.

Younity (formerly known as Womanspace)

1530 Brunswick Ave, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
24 Hour Hotline: 609-394-9000
Counseling Office: 609-394-0136


Individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing can text Younity 24/7 at 609-619-1888.
The texting feature can also be used if it is unsafe for you to talk over the phone.

